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“Qarabağ abidələri” layihəsi Azərbaycan Respublikası Rabitə və İnformasiya Texnologiyaları Nazirliyinin dəstəyi ilə “Sağlam İnkişaf və Maarifləndirmə” ictimai birliyi topladığı materiallar əsasında birgə hazirlanaraq sizlərə təqdim edilir. Layihənin əsas məqsədi yaradılmış sayt vasitəsi ilə dunya ictimaiyyətinə Azərbaycanın işğal altında olan ərazilərində erməni vandalları tərəfindən təcavuzə məruz qalaraq məhv edilmiş mədəniyyət abidələri barədə ətraflı məlumat verməkdir.


Anar Xəlilov
“Saglam İnkişaf və Maarifləndirmə” ictimai birliyinin sədri

KARABAKH | Переходов: 677 | Добавил: Alex | Дата: 12.04.2009

The history of Karabakh is rooted in an antiquity, and it is one of the historic provinces of Azerbaijan, an important political, culturel, and spiritual center.
Territorial claims of the Armenians against the Azerbaijani people and Azerbaijan are the main reasons for the so-called “Karabakh problem”.
Karabakh was inalienable part to all the state formations that have existed on the territory of northern Azerbaijan.
From 4th century B.C. to 8th century A.D. the territory of the current Nagorno- Karabakh region of Azerbaijan was one of the provinces of Caucasian Albania, the most ancient state of Northern Azerbaijan. After the fall of the independent Albanian state, Karabakh being inseparable from Azerbaijan both geographically and politically, was a part to the Azerbaijani state of Sajids, in 10th - to the state of Salarids, and in 11-12th centuries - to the state of Sheddadids. During 12-13th centuries Karabakh constituted part of the Atabey-Ildenizids state, in the second half of the 13th century- beginning of 15th century, during the existence of the Mongolian Khalugoid state- part of the Jalairds’ state. In the 15th century it existed within the states of Gharagounlou and Aghgounlou, and during 16th and 17th centuries Karabakh, as a part of the Karabakh beylerbeyyat (duchy), was within the Sefevi state. The latter consisted of 4 beylerbeyyats: Shirvani, Karabakhi, Erivani and Tabrizi, when a part of the Karabakhi beylerbeyyat was ruled by the representatives of the Turkic Ziyad-oglu tribe, subordinated to Kajars from 16th till 19th century. In the second half of the 18th century Karabakh belonged to the khanate (principality) and along whit the latter was incorporated into Russia.
KARABAKH | Переходов: 790 | Добавил: Alex | Дата: 12.04.2009

Armenian Terror.
KARABAKH | Переходов: 500 | Добавил: Alex | Дата: 09.04.2009

Late at night on January 19, 1990, 26.000 Soviet troops stormed Baku. They acted pursuant to a state of emergency declared by the USSR Supreme Soviet Presidium, signed by President Gorbachev and disclosed to the Azerbaijani public only after many citizens lay wounded or dead in the streets, hospitals and morgues of Baku.

More than 130 people died from wounds received that night and during subsequent violent confrontations and incidents that lasted in February; the majority of these were civilians killed by Soviet soldiers. More than 700 civilians were wounded. Hundreds of people were detained, only a handful of whom were put on trial for alleged criminal offenses. Civil liberties were severely curtailed.

The behavior of Soviet armed forces in Baku must be judged in the context of their actual mission. Mikhail Gorbachev's use of force in Baku was nothing but the desperate attempt to stop dissolution of Communist ruling in Azerbaijan. The Soviet army was trying to rescue the totalitarian regime, the rule of Communist Party and Soviet empire.

KARABAKH | Переходов: 658 | Добавил: Alex | Дата: 09.04.2009


Safarov Ramil Sahib was born in Jabrail in 1977.
He entered the military inclinationed school named after of Camshid Nakhcivanski in 1991.
R.Safarov was sent to Izmir the city of the Turkey Republic for to continue his education by the order of Azerbaijan Republic Defence Ministry in september in 1992.
He succesfully gratuated the military lisey of Maltepé entered Ankara Higher Military school and studied military training courses.
From May of 2001 to March of 2002 employed at military settlment number N in Gadabay as commander by the order of DM.
By the order DM he wad sent to the Higher Military School of Commanders named after Heydar Aliyev in March 2002.
During employe time developed up to the rank of main leytenant. Ramil Safarov was sent on a mission for three monthly English language courses to Hungary Republic city of Budapest in notation NATO programs by the order of the DM in january 2004.
He killed armenian oficcer Q.Markaryan who took part in the same course in 19-th of February-left onlu 20 days for to come back motherland. In the same date he was arrested.
Armenian savageries

From 1988 till 1993 Ramil saw all the savageries blood shed by the armenians with his own eyes. Because those the very years coincised his youthhood. That time his father Sahib bey was working as the assistant of the cheif doctor according to the economical work and his mother mrs. Nubar was working in the operation section at the hospital in the centre of Jabrail. As the territory was being shot by the armenians constantly Ramil had to spend his most of the time with his parents. He saw lots of people having no leg or head or people with spoilt eyes with his own eyes. There was time during a day 15-20 corpses 20-30 wounded were taken to hospital and of course all these had a very bad effect on the teenager at the age of 15-16. Ramil has such relatives that there is no news of their being alive or dead.

KARABAKH | Переходов: 496 | Добавил: Alex | Дата: 09.04.2009

The history of Karabakh is very significant to the cultural and ethnic identity of Azerbaijan. It can be traced back to the 2nd Millennium BC to the dominance of the Caucasian Albanian culture. The recent history of Karabakh is dominated by the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh, the roots of which can also be traced back centuries.
KARABAKH | Переходов: 616 | Добавил: Alex | Дата: 09.04.2009

A Karabakh Azeri perspective  
Author Tabib Huseynov   

Peace talks to resolve the conflict over Nagorny Karabakh have been under way for more than a decade with virtually no tangible progress. Locked in a wearisome ‘no war, no peace’ situation, both Armenia and Azerbaijan, as well as the Karabakh Armenian authorities, have effectively adopted ‘wait and see’ approaches. The Karabakh Azeris stand out as the most obvious losers from the protraction of the current status quo. Many Karabakh Azeris believe the status quo harms their interests by increasingly depriving them of the opportunity to influence decisions directly affecting them and diminishing their chances of returning to their homeland.
KARABAKH | Переходов: 675 | Добавил: Alex | Дата: 09.04.2009

By the middle of 1991 63000 people lived there. After the beginning of the autumn attack of the Armenians most of the population of the town left it. According to the information of the Ministry of National Security, about 3000 people stayed in the town on the eve of the tragically February events. The safety of the left population was provided by only 160 soldiers of the National Army, OMON (special police detachment) and self-defense forces, mainly headed by Alif Hajiyev, concentrated around airport. The above-mentioned forces were not enough to provide the effective self-defense, especially taking into consideration the absence of ordinance (there was only one "Alazan" plant and three armored cars). In fact Khojaly was defended (though inefficiently) by means of shooting guns. It was possible until a certain time. But the Armenians pressure was increasing. Since the 30th of October 1991 the automobile communication with Khojaly was stopped and communication with the town was realized by means of helicopters. There had been no electricity in Khojaly since 2nd of January 1992. On the 13th of February the last military helicopter with food and petrol landed in the town (the last civil helicopter was on the 28th of January). Since that day the town had been expecting the Armenians attack...
KARABAKH | Переходов: 640 | Добавил: aLEX | Дата: 09.04.2009

The International Awareness Campaign is initiated on 8 May 2008 by Mrs. Leyla Aliyeva, General Coordinator of Islamic Conference Youth Forum for Dialogue and Cooperation under the motto of “Justice for Khojaly, Freedom for Karabakh”

The Campaign is aimed at raising international civil awareness through demonstration of creative photos and images of suffered people in the Karabakh conflict and Khojaly Massacre in particular and reaching out globally via Media, Internet and Live events. Photos demonstrating human opposition to massacres and cleansing based on all forms of racial, ethnic or religious discrimination, solidarity with the innocent victms and suffering children of the Khodjaly massacre; global call on removing the root cause of the conflict - ending the agression by the Armenia in the Nagorno Karabakh region of Azerbaijan.

The Campaign is also aimed at raising awarenees on grave situation of opressed people (due to total ethnic cleancing only Armenians remain at these territories) under the military regime of occupation forces in Nagorno Karabakh and on necessity for promotion of liberation of this ancient cradle of civilization.

KARABAKH | Переходов: 658 | Добавил: Alex | Дата: 09.04.2009

At night from February 25 to 26 the Armenian armed forces occupied the town of Khojaly. The occupation was carried out with active support of several units of the Russian Army's 366th regiment.
Occupation of Khojaly was followed with unprecedented brutalities against the civilian population. In a few hours the aggressors killed 613 innocent and unarmed people. Among them were 106 women, 83 children. 56 people were killed with special brutality. 8 families were totally exterminated. 25 children were totally, and 130 children were partly orphaned. 476 people became disabled persons (of them 76 were minors). 1275 people were taken into hostage and even though afterwards most of the hostages were released from captivity, the fates of 150 of them are still unknown.
KARABAKH | Переходов: 623 | Добавил: Alex | Дата: 09.04.2009

Blood flowing as a river

There is ongoing war in Azerbaijan… No, this is not a war, this is a mass killing!… This is not a war, but this is a blood bath, gruesome bloodshed!… The war has laws or rules of its own… Such violence is not used against women, children or invalids!… Men are captured by an enemy in war, but women or girls are not!… Such brutality cannot be applied to prisoners in war!… That is not called a war if someone breaks into your territory to occupy it. It is called a banditry and a plundering… It is cruelty to slaughter all fellow men to defend their motherland by the way of Russian 366 motorized regiment… This is unpardonable crime of Armenian bandits!

No. This is not a war. It is called a massacre, a blood bath!… This is a tragedy of forgotten land!… This is a genocide perpetrated by violent Armenian blood thirstier!…

This is not a war!… It is organized bandits and extermination!… That is called as a genocide of one nation!…

This genocide is appealing us to vengeance! And that must be done until the blood of genocide victims will be subdued. Till the end of that vengeance, peace is not possible!

KARABAKH | Переходов: 677 | Добавил: Alex | Дата: 09.04.2009

 khojalyAzerbaycan’ın Yukarı Karabağ bölgesindeki Hocalı kasabasında 26 Şubat 1992 yılında Ermenistan ordusu sivil, kadın, çocuk, yaşlı ayırımı yapmadan 613 kişiyi en ağır işkenceler uygulayarak soykırıma tabi tutmuştur. Katledilenlerin 83’ü çocuk, 106’sı kadın ve 70’i ise yaşlıydı. 8 Aile tamamen yok edilmiştir. Bu katliamdan toplam 487 kişi ağır yaralı olarak kurtulmuştur. 1275 kişi ise rehin alınmış, 150 kişi ise kaybolmuştur. Cesetler üzerinde yapılan incelemelerde cesetlerin yakıldığı, birçoğunun kafa derilerinin yüzüldüğü, gözlerinin oyulduğu, kulakları, burunları ve kafaları ile vücutlarının çeşitli uzuvlarının kesildiği görülmüştür. Aynı vahşetten hamile kadınlar ve çocuklar bile nasibini almıştır. Ermeniler tarafından Hocalı’da gerçekleştirilen bu vahşet, uluslararası camianın suç olarak kabul ettiği soykırım ve insanlığa karşı suçlar kapsamındaki tanımlamalarla birebir örtüşmektedir.

Hocalı soykırımına katılmış Ermenilerin yaptıkları uluslararası hukuki antlaşmaların - Cenevre Sözleşmesi, İnsan Hakları Beyannamesi, Vatandaş ve Siyasi Haklar Konusunda Uluslararası Sözleşme, Ateşkes Zamanında ve Askeri Çatışmalar Zamanı Kadın ve Çocukların Korunması Beyannamesi ve BM’nin 'Soykırım Suçunun Önlenmesine ve Cezalandırılmasına İlişkin Sözleşmesi' 2. Maddesinde yer alan “milli, etnik, ırkı veya dini bir grubu kısmen veya tamamen imha etme” biçiminde tanımlanan Jenosit/Soykırım kavramı ile tamamen örtüşmektedir. Ermenilerin Hocalı’da yaptıkları toplu katliam BM Soykırım Anlaşmasında Soykırımı düzenleyen 2. maddenin a) bendinde yer alan “bir grubun üyelerinin katledilmesi” ve b) bendinde yer alan “grup üyelerinin bedeni ve akli açıdan ciddi biçimde zarar verilmesi” koşulları ile birebir uyuşmaktadır.

Yukarıdaki gerekçelerle biz bir gurup Türk aydını büyük bir vicdani sorumlulukla Ermenilerin Hocalı’da yaptığı katliamı Soykırım olarak niteliyor ve bütün insanlığı açmış olduğumuz sitesi üzerinden Hocalı vahşetini Soykırım olarak tanımaya davet ediyoruz.

KARABAKH | Переходов: 541 | Добавил: Alex | Дата: 09.04.2009

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